Tea Review
Imaging being smothered by bales of dried lavender…until you feel like you are totally possessed by the essence of it and you feel like lavender is all you can think and feel. Drinking Miss Rona’s Lavender (with Jasmine Green) Tea is a pretty similar experience. It can be a good thing or a bad thing depending on how much lavender you can take and if you are into strong smells or subtle hints of fragrance. I got introduced to the tea from a friend who couldn’t stand the intensity of lavender. It does feel like you are drinking pure lavender but the green tea and the jasmine fragrance do a little bit to assuage a complete onslaught of lavender. I would brew these bags usually for about 3-4 minutes in hot water that I would keep for a minute before adding the tea bag. I rebrew the bags atleast twice after the first use, but with slightly longer steeping time each go-around. It would make me feel like my body and the fluids in it are turning into lavender and I frankly loved the feeling. It combines the antoxidant properties of the green tea with the calming nature of lavender and is perfect if you can stomach the intense (and I do mean intense) smell of lavender in the brew.
How to get on Desipundit for Dummies
Are you low on traffic? Do you need to feel really relevant on the blogospheric scene? Want to make a name for yourself and get on the pages of Desipundit? Here is a how-to!
1. Memories, memories and more memories, the better. Throw in a few relatives and a few more hood friends for extra impact.
2. Write about how Indian policies suck. If that doesn’t work, whine about how Western people always point out that Indian policies suck. For bonus points, say Western policies suck even more.
3. If you are a man, write about how women are nuts and if you are a woman, write about how men are idiots. If not, try to write about reconciling the two sexes.
4. Bash someone. Even better, make sure they are a group of logic.
5. Whine about how Indianness is not being understood by the West.
6. Whine about West trying to understand and celebrate Indianness.
7. Whine about Western people asking too many questions in an attempt to understand your Indianness.
(Put your name in huge, big letters all over your blog to make sure they atleast get that right when they do decide to feature you!)